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Vostok R-7 ICBM Soyuz Model rocket 东方R-7洲际弹道导弹联盟号火箭模型
Vostok R-7 ICBM Soyuz Model rocket
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by crpickard, published

I scaled down the blueprint to approximately 1/44th scale, it stands one meter tall.  In the list of files there are a few different options of assembly, so figure out what works best for you and your printer!

I designed it to run four A motors and one C motor. I numerically calculated the center of gravity and found it to be fairly stable. I did fly it once so far, it got approximately four meters off the ground. Quite under powered.. Eventually i will print new conical liquid boosters which will accept larger motors.

Frankly, I enjoy having it safely on my desk rather then attempting flight!